Batteri Management System til Elbil
Istedet for den oprindelige BMS i citroen c1 evie elbil, er der valgt en australsk løsning. Valget har været at finde den mest simple BMS, som er kendt for stabilitet.
Filmen herunder viser funktionaliteten, af BMS
Lidt sjovt for mig som er arduino nørd, er at der bruges en picaxe i BMS der kører et open source basic program. PicAXE er en MCU der mest bliver brugt i skolesammenhænge, og bla. bruges den i house of technology’s grundforløb til at lære at programmere.
Open Source picAXE basic program fra til BMS MCU
'***************************************************************************************************************************** #PICAXE 08M2 ' ' BMS-BCU-MICRO-08 - BATTERY CONTROL UNIT FOR EV POWER BMS CELL MODULES ' ' This simple unit monitors cell module input. If error for 10 seconds ' disconnection occurs. ' ' FOR USE WITH THREE WIRE LATCHING RELAYS ' ' 2.1 - added latching variable, same code for MICRO-A and B ' added code to switch off relay when powered ON with enable ON ' 2.2 - 20-11-12 - added code for 11V - 16V switch range 11V = 104, 16V = 151 ' 2.3 - 11-1-13 - removed 11-16V switching range, needs more thought ' ' '***************************************************************************************************************************** ' symbol latchingvalue = 1 ' set latching = 1 for MICRO-A and latching = 0 for MICRO-B 'symbol hysterisis = 5 ' hysterisis value for offvoltage ' PICAXE pin assignments symbol alarmpin = 0 symbol contactoroff = 1 symbol contactoron = 2 symbol cellmodules = pin3 symbol switchinput = 4 ' Define constants 'symbol offvoltage = 104 '<20 = switchoff symbol offvoltage = 20 '<20 = switchoff symbol overvoltage = 255 ' Define variables symbol voltage = b0 symbol acount = b1 symbol latching = b2 symbol errorflag = b3 symbol lastsecond = w2 'symbol offplushysterisis = b6 '*************************************************************************************************************************** ' MAIN PROGRAM start0: latching = latchingvalue ' set latching = 1 for MICRO-A and latching = 0 for MICRO-B 'offplushysterisis = offvoltage + hysterisis suspend 1 gosub relayoff errorflag = 0 'low contactoroff ' set output so not in indeterminate state 'low contactoron initialise: readadc switchinput, voltage ' stay switched off if unit is powered up with switch on 'debug voltage pause 100 if voltage => offvoltage then : goto initialise endif gosub sleepsomemore main: if cellmodules = 0 then for acount = 1 to 15 ' 15 seconds from warning to shutdown pause 500 gosub flasher errorflag = 1 readadc switchinput, voltage if voltage < offvoltage then : gosub sleepsomemore : endif if cellmodules <> 0 then errorflag = 0 goto modulesok endif next acount gosub closedown endif modulesok: readadc switchinput, voltage pause 100 'debug voltage if voltage < offvoltage then : gosub sleepsomemore : endif goto main end 'subroutines '******************************************************************************************************************************* ' CLOSE DOWN if voltage or cell modules are out of range, only re-enable if switch is off/on again closedown: if voltage< offvoltage or voltage > overvoltage then low alarmpin else high alarmpin endif gosub relayoff errorflag = 2 stayclosed: readadc switchinput, voltage pause 100 if voltage => offvoltage then : goto stayclosed : endif gosub sleepsomemore goto main return '****************************************************************************************************************************** ' SLEEP if switch is off sleepsomemore: gosub relayoff low alarmpin errorflag = 0 stayoff: readadc switchinput, voltage pause 100 if voltage < offvoltage then : goto stayoff : endif gosub relayon goto main return '****************************************************************************************************************************** ' FLASH the alarmpin flasher: high alarmpin pause 500 low alarmpin return '****************************************************************************************************************************** ' RELAY ON pulse for latching relay relayon: if latching = 0 then high contactoroff high contactoron else low contactoroff high contactoron pause 100 low contactoron endif pause 1000 return '****************************************************************************************************************************** ' RELAY OFF pulse for latching relay relayoff: if latching = 0 then low contactoroff low contactoron else low contactoron high contactoroff pause 100 low contactoroff endif pause 1000 return '******************************************************************************************************************************* ' PARALLEL PROGRAM TO OUTPUT TERMINAL INFORMATION start1: pause 200 main1: waitasecond: if time = lastsecond then goto waitasecond else lastsecond = time endif if voltage < offvoltage then sertxd ("STA=OFF") else sertxd ("STA=ON") endif sertxd (" ERR=",#errorflag,cr,lf) if time = 60 then : time = 0 : endif goto main1 end interrupt:return